Physical World Concepts
World History
10th Grade Honors Classes
English 10
11th Grade Honors Classes
12th Grade Honors Classes
Dual Credit College Composition I
Physics/Biology II/Chemistry II/Ecology (Select 1)
Pre-Calculus/Statistics/College Algebra/ Calculus (Select 2)
Additional Course Requirements
Dual Credit College Courses – 3 courses in addition to Composition 1
Foreign Language - 2 sequential credits
Visual/Performing Arts - 1 credit
*All courses will be adjusted based on offerings specific to a student’s academic history and availability.
Valedictorian/Top Academic Honors Requirements
✔ Completion of 10th, 11th, and 12th grade years of honors program as well as additional requirements.
✔ Must have an ACT Composite Score of 22 with no content test being below a 20. A “superscore” (with student’s highest score in each test area) will be generated for qualifying students. ACT scores will be based on tests completed by December of the graduation year.
✔ Completion of Senior Service Learning/Community Service project
- 20 Volunteer service hours
- To be completed outside of the TN Scholar’s, Beta Club, or other organizational requirements.
- Hours must be completed between June 1 and the last day of the fall semester of the senior year.
- Hours must be documented and turned in to the guidance office. Administration has discretion to accept/decline hours turned in for community service.
- Top Academic Honors Students will include no less than 10 students and could include all students with a 4 or 4.0+ grade point average who have completed the honors program. The honors of valedictorian and salutatorian will be reserved for the students with the first and second highest grade point averages within the honors program.
To be eligible for valedictorian and salutatorian honors, transfer students must complete a minimum of 4 full semesters of the Scott High honors curriculum. Transfer students may be recognized as top academic honors students without completing 4 full semesters, based on coursework at prior institutions.
Weighted courses include senior level science courses such as Biology II, Chemistry II, Physics, Ecology (.5 point), upper-level math classes such as Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Statistics (.5 point), and Dual Credit courses (1 point). All course grades will be calculated into student’s GPA.
Honors program classes, including dual credit, are open to all students; however honors program requirements must be met in order to be considered for top academic honors.
Students who complete the honors program curriculum will be recognized during graduation ceremonies.